A Note from Father
by Fr. Charlie Goraieb | 11/28/2021 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends, It has been almost 49 years since the U.S. Supreme Court distorted the Constitution, by-passed the authority of Congress and usurped the rights of the people by its decision in which it miraculously found a constitutional right for a woman to abort her child. This tragic decision has divided our nation, destroyed the lives of over 60 million unborn babies and has caused untold damage to the mothers and fathers (and doctors and nurses) who have collaborated with this terrible lie.
Decades of consistent opposition to unjust law have produced a few small, incremental protections for the unborn, but more importantly, it has kept the issue before the public eye. Despite polls that show Americans are content to let women make their own decisions, most of our countrymen understand that an abortion is the taking of an innocent life.
Finally, with the latest makeup of the jurists and with the Dobbs vs Jackson case from Mississippi, there is a possibility that the horri"c lie of Roe vs Wade can be reversed or, at the very least, limited.
The Mississippi State Legislature voted to prohibit abortions after viability--the point at which the child could survive outside of its mother’s womb. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an abortion provider, has challenged the law, which is being defended by Thomas E. Dobbs, State Health O!cer of the Mississippi Department of Health. Arguments by both sides will be presented to the Court on Wed., Dec. 1st. Because the stakes in this case are so high, on the November 30th, the eve before the case goes to the court, Nik Nikas, an internationally known pro-life attorney will be coming to OLMC to speak to us about the background and signi"cance of the case. His talk, which will begin at 6:30pm, will be followed by prayer and intercession before the Blessed Sacrament. The war against the unborn is a demonic battle that can only be won through Divine intervention.
Please plan on joining us for the presentation and prayer. Together, let us storm the heavens on behalf of these innocent children who are being sacri"ced for the sake of the sexual revolution and its distorted view of autonomy and freedom.
On the following weekend, December 4 & 5th, the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit will be at all of the Sunday Masses in preparation for the Advent Parish Mission which begins on Monday, December 6th.
May our Lord bless you and your family as we enter into this holy time of Advent. I encourage everyone to resist the popular (commercial) culture that wants to turn Advent into Christmas. Let’s align ourselves with the Church and use the Advent Season to prepare ourselves spiritually to enjoy the Christmas season which begins on December 24th.
May God bless you and your family,
Fr Charlie