A Note from Father

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  01/02/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

With this letter I wish you a blessed new year and a joyful Feast of the Epiphany. To say that these last two weekends have been eventful is an understatement. I hope that your family gatherings were joyful and full of gratitude for your many blessings.

It was six months ago that I arrived at OLMC. While still in the long process of getting to know more of you and to accustom myself to the ways and traditions of the parish, I am starting to feel at home. With the Lord’s guidance, your patience and the good counsel of the those closest to me, I hope to continue to lead our parish community closer to Our Lord and to Our Blessed Mother. There are still many needs that need to be addressed such as a teen ministry, support for our married couples and a plan to equip us for evangelization. And then there is the matter of increasing our parish income. We have not hired new personnel and are economizing wherever possible. But despite our diligent efforts to economize, our regular Sunday donations are not sufficient. If you are able to increase your regular financial commitment, that will help greatly. As soon as our accounting data is in order, I will be posting an Income and Expense statement to give you a clearer picture.

Beginning this week, we are going to add Tuesday evenings as an additional time to hear confessions. We will retain our Saturday afternoon time (3:00-4:30), but we will also be available Tuesdays from 6:45-8:00pm. We hope this will make it easier for all of you to find a convenient time to make use of this healing sacrament. There is an art to making a fruitful confession and it begins with a good examination of conscience. Here are a couple of articles that can help you to examine your conscience in preparation for the sacrament:



God’s blessings and peace,

Fr Charlie Goraieb