Charity and Development Appeal

by Fr. Charlie Goraieb  |  02/06/2022  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

Next Sunday, millions of Americans will be thinking about the yearly football pageant-extravaganza, but in our Diocese, there is another focus that Catholics are asked to embrace—the Charity and Development Appeal.

This annual fundraiser is our opportunity to participate in the mission of our Church in many important ways. Not only will our giving support charitable outreaches like St Vincent de Paul and Catholic Charities, but essential ministries like the Crisis Pregnancy Services, Catholic schools and parishes in low-economic areas and the formation of our future priests.

Many of you are seasoned, faithful veterans of CDA. Thank you for your generosity and fidelity. If you have not participated in CDA, please consider being a part of this very worthy cause. You can arrange to give a modest monthly donation; or, if you prefer, you can make a one-time gift. The important thing is to participate in our parish connection to the broader Church and her vital mission.

Thank you and God’s blessings,
Fr Charlie Goraieb