I am inviting you to spend just one hour with Jesus this week
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 08/17/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
This weekend, our homilies will be the fourth, based on the Bread of Life Discourse taken from John, Chapter 6. We have devoted these five weeks to reflect on the Eucharist because as Catholics, the Holy Eucharist really matters to us as the Source and Summit of our Faith. The beauty of all this is that the Eucharist truly embodies Christ’s uninterrupted Presence among us twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week in all the tabernacles around the world.
He is present, waiting and calling us to spend some time with him. It is for this reason that I am so excited that we are soon getting our own perpetual adoration chapel so that we can come and adore our lord any time, twenty-four hours a day. What a blessing, what a treasure to our parish!
However, even before the completion of this chapel, we do have the opportunity to come for Adoration during some hours of the week as I pointed out several times. My hope is that this will give us the opportunity to build a culture where Adoration becomes a permanent feature in our parish. With that in mind, today, I am inviting you to commit to spending just one hour with the Lord in Adoration this week. And, if Jesus is that important to you, would you please go ahead and set aside just one hour not only this week but each week thereafter till our chapel is completed? Yes, this will involve challenging yourselves to put first things first in your life as the book of Proverbs 3:6 challenges us: “In everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” If you put the Eucharist first, I assure you, everything in your life will fall into place.
I am aware that many of us will find it difficult to meet this challenge to commit because in our materialistic world, things tend to come before Jesus. If your faith, however, assures you that he is truly present in the Eucharist, you will realize that the most important activity you will do this week will be spending at least an hour with him in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Remember that no amount of time spend with Jesus will go wasted. Recall the words of our late Holy Father, St. John Paul II when he says: “Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of love.”
So, dear friends, as we continue to build this culture of Perpetual Adoration in our parish, we are going to invite you to commit to at least an hour of the day to spend with the Lord in Adoration. To help us with this process, I formed the Perpetual Adoration Team (PAT) some months ago, headed by Deacon Dave. The team is doing a great job. However, the team will now be headed up by Deacon Chito and his wife Bea. While still a member of the team, Deacon Dave will now be taking on a new assignment with the Marriage Ministry.
As we still need more adorers to cover all the hours when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, I invite you to sign up for the hours that you will be covering especially on Wednesdays and during those days when we have Adoration to ensure that Jesus is not left alone. To sign up you may contact Bea Zamora at (650) 291 9163. Deacon Chito and Bea will also be contacting different ministry heads to help with the process of recruiting more adorers. Please, let us work together to build a culture of Perpetual Adoration in our parish. To conclude, I am again inviting you to spend just one hour with Jesus this week.
I love you!