Perpetual Adoration is around the corner. How exciting!
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 08/10/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
We are now in the seventh week since the actual construction of our perpetual adoration chapel commenced. I am extremely excited about the progress so far made. Though you may not see much behind the barricade, we have already done the plumbing work for the bathrooms and laid the foundation for the building. These are the most important aspects of the structure of the chapel, (Mt. 7:24-26). As we wait for the concrete for the foundation to set, I look forward with even greater anticipation and excitement for the superstructure to soon take shape. We expect this to commence soon.
In the meantime, I would like to thank you for the great support, patience, understanding and enthusiasm you have continued to demonstrate towards this project. Many of you have shown this over and over again, through your generous financial support and glowing words of encouragement. I am so grateful to you all. For those who have not yet completed their pledges, I encourage you to do so as soon as you can. I have just completed mine and feel great about it!
While the physical structures are being constructed, we shall continue with the spiritual aspects of this project. As I pointed out in my recent homilies and in my last article, we have devoted five Sundays to reflecting on the Eucharist based on the Bread of Life Discourse in John Chapter 6. While these reflections will end on August 25th 2024, our focus on the Eucharist will continue to be prominent for the next several months as we prepare for the completion of the adoration chapel. Reflections on the Eucharist in general and adoration in particular, will continue through articles and organized talks.
On your part, please continue to pray regularly for this project so that construction may go on uninterrupted. This is because, from my personal experience with such projects, the evil one is never happy with them. He knows that he has no place in a parish where Christ is adored perpetually in the Eucharist. Therefore, he will always try to bring confusion and delays in construction even from unlikely sources. May this never happen with our project. Amen.
I love you!