Becoming Catholic

Whether you were baptized Catholic as a baby and never learned about your faith, you are a strong non-Catholic Christian looking to inquire and explore Catholicism for the first time, are from other non-Christian belief systems, or have never prayed a day in your life, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) will meet you where you are at in your search for Truth and journey with you closer to the heart of Jesus and His one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

At the sessions, we discuss the teachings and practices of the Catholic faith in a welcoming and open atmosphere to facilitate authentic discussions about our faith, provide opportunities for fellowship, prepare those interested in receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil (Baptism and/or Communion and Confirmation). These sessions also help you find a place in our parish community, and develop a rich prayer life and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in becoming Catholic or are already Catholic but have not received First Communion or been confirmed, please fill out the general intake form or contact for more information. We encourage anyone who intends to join, to reach out throughout the year so we can help you get ready for this beautiful process.