Do any of these situations or stories sound familiar?

  • You get the big promotion, but it doesn’t make you happy for more than a day or two.
  • You buy the fancy car, but the thrill is over by the time you pull into the garage.
  • Your team wins the Super Bowl… and you all you have to show for it was an expensive jersey with someone else’s name on it.
  • The things we expect to fulfill us don’t…
  • Why is life this way? Why are we here? Not just here in these bodies on this planet and in this year. But why do we exist? Why are we filled with longing?

If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, we invite you to THE SEARCH to explore fundamental questions and mysteries like these.  THE SEARCH will meet on Wednesdays at 7:00pm from Jan 10 - Feb 28.  Invite a friend and register below.