Dear Friends,
A blessed Memorial Day weekend to you. Although not formally declared a National Holiday until 1971, the custom of honoring our deceased military originated after the Civil War. It is right and fitting for all of us, who have benefited from the sacrifices made by these fallen soldiers, should honor them in gratitude for their patriotism and courage. Next weekend is Pentecost, the day on which we commemorate the Holy Spirit descending upon the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room. Like Easter - which finds its origins in the Jewish Feast of Passover, the events of Pentecost fell on the Jewish Feast of Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks. Originally intended to celebrate the harvest, this feast evolved into a celebration of the reception of the Torah, God’s Holy Word.
ContinueDear Friends,
At the back of the Sanctuary, on the ambo side, you will notice a small wooden cabinet attached to the wall. It holds the three jars of Holy Oils that we use throughout the year in the sacraments of Baptism, Anointing of the Sick and Confirmation.
This cabinet, officially known as an Ambry (from the Latin word armarium, for closet) can be found in most Catholic Churches. In older churches it is recessed into the wall, but in most newer churches you will see one like ours, prominently displayed. Ours was built by the same company that made our ambo, matching the wood, the stain and brass accents. My “thanks” to the parishioners who donated the funds.
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I want to invite you to come on Sunday (this) afternoon to listen to the beautiful classical sonatas of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary performed by Esther Witherell on violin, accompanied by harpsichord. These pieces, composed in the 16th century, will inspire you in their beauty and spiritual depth. Please, do not miss this opportunity to experience a small piece of our rich tradition of Catholic liturgical music.
ContinueDear Friends, I want to wish all of the moms in our parish a blessed and joyful Mother’s Day. It is right and fitting that we should set aside one Sunday a year to honor all mothers for the continual sacrifice and loving care they give to their children - regardless of the children’s age. Thank you for mirroring God’s unconditional love to all of us by the way you love and care for your family. This is the Fourth Sunday of Easter, also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. Each year on this day the Church gives us the passage from John’s Gospel where Jesus declares Himself to be our Shepherd. He uses the metaphor of the shepherd to assure us of how well he knows us and his determination to provide for all of our needs. With the Good Shepherd in view, I think that the following (summarized) article, by Sr. Theresa Aletheia, is timely (published on on 7/5/2016).
ContinueDear Friends,
I am writing this letter during Easter Week, still experiencing the joy and gratitude for all that we commemorated so beautifully last week.
I trust that you are aware of our new Pastoral Council. On April 2 we gathered to pray and discern the needs of the parish and to determine which ones to tackle first. The process clearly revealed the love the council members have for their parish and their desire to see OLMC flourish. Everyone understood that we have to balance our efforts between fostering community and spiritual growth with outreach to those who need to be invited back to the Church as well as those who need to discover the Lord of Lords for the first time.