Dear Friends,
Next Friday we will be hosting the praise and worship team, The Well. They are a group of young adult Catholics who travel to different parishes leading the community in contemporary praise music, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and an exhortation on the Word of God. We are blessed to have them come to OLMC and share their love of God and talents with us. What they do is very similar to what Life Teen calls XLT nights. It is a time to worship the Lord in the Spirit and allow Him to move in powerful ways among us.
One of the many casualties of the pandemic was to curtail events like this. We all know that the weather will be hot and we’ll all be moving at a slower pace. But please don’t let that prevent you from coming to experience the joy of praising God and opening yourself to the presence of His Holy Spirit.
On the weekend of Jul 16-17, we will be celebrating our Patronal Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. Because the intercession of a parish’s Patron(ness) is so important, the Church allows us to celebrate the weekend as a Solemnity in Honor of Our Lady. To spiritually prepare for this Feast, I invite all of you pray the novena to Our Lady of Mt Carmel, starting Jul 7. There are also a variety of events planned for the weekend itself. This is the annual date when we thank our Blessed Mother for her constant care and intercession for each of us and for the whole parish. We also honor her under her special title of Our Lady of Mt Carmel because of the promises she made to St Simon Stock regarding all who wear the scapular and are faithful to their state of life. It will be a joy to dedicate the whole weekend to honor the Patroness of our wonderful parish.
Last weekend we announced the beginning of the Eucharistic Revival, the U.S. Bishop’s initiative to foster a deeper understanding and devotion to the Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
Below is a link to a very good interview with one of the planners of the Revival, Tim O’Malley, a theologian from Notre Dame University. I think it will help give you a good overview of the project.
May God bless you and your family, Fr Charlie Goraieb