Dear Friends,
On September 15 the Adoration Chapel team went before the Diocesan Building Committee to seek approval for our project. It is their responsibility to review all parish construction proposals. They offered a few helpful suggestions and then unanimously agreed we could move forward with the Chapel.
There has been talk about building an adoration chapel at OLMC for a long time, but for a lot reasons, the time has not been right. Shortly after arriving at the parish, the Lord began impressing on me His desire to see a chapel built. My perception has since been confirmed by numerous people in the parish as well as Bishop Olmsted, who resoundingly approved of the idea, conditional upon review by the Building Committee and the parish leadership.
I have previously received the support of the Pastoral Advisory Council, and this week the Finance Committee voted unanimously in favor of raising the funds to build the chapel. Based on the contractor’s rough estimate, we have a goal of $675,000. That may sound like a large figure, but with the Lord’s grace and everyone’s help, we will have a sacred space to adore Him around the clock.
In November I will be coming before the whole community, seeking everyone’s contribution. In the meantime, I wanted to keep everyone abreast of the developments thus far and to seek your prayer for the project (see the prayer below). As a visual aid, below is a side-by-side rendition of the site as it currently looks (right next to the North East entrance to the Church) and what the new chapel will look like.
Despite all of the excitement for the chapel, at this moment our first priority is the Night to Soar School Gala. I want to encourage you all to please support that event in any way you are able. We count on a successful event in order to keep our school--and thus our parish, financially sound.
May God bless you and your family, Fr Charlie Goraieb