Parish Financial Report

by Fr Charlie Goraieb  |  02/12/2023  |  Weekly Reflection

Dear Friends,

The primary role of the pastor is to foster an environment where the flock can encounter the Lord in the reverent celebration of the sacraments and to foster unity in the community. But because he wears many hats, with the counsel of qualified advisors, he must see to it that the temporal goods of the parish are carefully and wisely stewarded.

I think it is important for the community to have a basic understanding of the financial condition of the parish. Below is a summary of the income and expenses for the first 6 months of the fiscal year. Because of your generous tithes and donations, we are able to stay on budget as we carry out our mission.

Note: this statement reflects just our operating income and expenses. It does not include major repairs, capital improvements or income and expenditures for the chapel (information on the chapel will come as we move further along).

Thank you and God bless you for your generosity to Our Lady of Mt Carmel.

Parish Financial Report - July 1, 2022-December 31, 2022

Income Expenses 
Tithes and Donations$ 721,905Salaries and Benefits$ 227,773
Ministry Fees Received$ 10,242Ministry Expenses$ 169,020
Other$ 46,394Administrative Expenses$ 116,637
    Utilities $ 39,823
    Repairs and Maintenance $ 34,288
    Depreciation on Fixed Assets $ 42,500
Total Income $ 778,541  Total Expenses $ 630,041

Net Income for the period: $148,500 

And since we’re on the topic of finances, on behalf of our St Vincent de Paul Chapter, I want to thank all of you who contributed to their second collection on January 29. They received over $4,000, all of which will be used to help the very needy people seeking assistance.

Finally, I invite all of you to join me in making or renewing your consecration to St Joseph on Mar 19. Using Fr Donald Calloway’s book, “Consecration to St Joseph,” preparation begins on Feb 15, so if you don’t have a copy of his book, please order one right away.

May God bless you and your family,
Fr Charlie