Time: Another important aspect of Stewardship
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 01/27/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
In my previous article, I discussed prayer as an essential aspect of Stewardship. I emphasized the need to put prayer, especially the Eucharist, at the center of our activity recognizing that we are creations of a loving God (our Father) who gives Himself freely for us in the Eucharist; that all we are and all we have are gifts from Him. He entrusts these gifts to us for use, not only for ourselves but to help others to gain eternal life. Prayer also helps us build a personal relationship with God. For this relationship to exist and grow however, we need to give TIME for prayers.
An Analogy of my Restaurant Experience in Uganda with Mass
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 01/20/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
I walked into a restaurant while still in Kampala (Uganda’s capital) last week and after going through the menu, I ordered some food and what I experienced there has tempted me to digress a little from my planned article on the Stewardship of Time. Instead, I will reflect some more on the Stewardship of Prayer from the perspective of the Mass.
Prayer: A Key Component of Stewardship
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 01/13/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
Prayer is essentially our communication with God. The more we communicate with God, the deeper our relationship grows as it does in ordinary relationships and the more, we are blessed. This communication in the case of fostering our relationship with God, can take various forms. The most common and basic forms include prayers of praise, of petition, of gratitude, and of intercession. Whichever form it takes however, it is all meant to foster a deeper relationship between us and God.
Introduction to Stewardship
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 01/06/2024 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
I would like to state upfront that stewardship is not about asking for money as it has often been misunderstood to be. It is much more than that. But before I get into what it is, allow me to share something briefly about my African heritage.
Growing up in rural Northern Uganda, one of the memories that still come vividly to my mind and which I still cherish, was how young men in my village often came together to construct a hut for one of them who declared an intention to get married.