Become a Virtuous Man
by Fr Charlie Goraieb | 01/15/2023 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
Fr Robert will be having back surgery on Tuesday morning followed by several weeks of recovery. Please pray that the surgery and the recovery period go very well.
For the past few weeks we have been promoting the Viri Virtutes formation program for young men. Working in collaboration with two other men, we developed the course in the Fall of 2020 and first presented it in the Spring of 2021. We offered it again this past Spring and are now preparing to do it for a third time starting in a couple of weeks.
The course was originally designed for young single men who want both a stronger spiritual life and a greater acquisition of the virtues. We have decided to open up the course to married men, 30 and under, who also shares these desires. After a good deal of fine-tuning, I am confident that this program will benefit men of any state of life who wish to overcome sinful habits, become more virtuous and grow in their spirituality and their capacity to love. For more information, please visit the website, ViriVirtutes.com .
If you are looking for a way to jump-start your spiritual life and grow in your love for the Scriptures, I recommend subscribing to Fr Mike Schmitz’s super-popular podcast, The Bible in a Year. It is the #1 religion podcast in the U.S, and for good reason. Fr Mike’s keen insights presented in very easily understood terms has made him a nationally esteemed teacher of the faith. A new episode will be delivered to your email box by signing up at https://ascensionpress.com/pages/biy-registration .
May God bless you and your family, Fr Charlie Goraieb