A Brief Update on the Perpetual Adoration Chapel
by Fr. Robert Aliunzi | 07/08/2023 | Weekly ReflectionDear Friends,
I felt the need to give a brief update on our perpetual adoration chapel project after receiving several anxious queries as to what is going on since Fr. Charlie moved from the parish. I think you deserve to know after the very remarkable contribution and support you have extended towards this project. As you all know, Fr. Charlie had desired to complete this project before leaving our parish, but I told him that I will make sure that it is completed as quickly as possible since he has done a great deal of the work. Besides, I also firmly believe in this project because personally, the Eucharist and Adoration have always meant so much to me from my childhood to my priesthood and as I pointed out in last week’s article, focus on the Eucharist will also be one of the pillars of my service here among you as your pastor.
So, the good news is that we are once again on course after some technical delays these past few months. Our new architects together with our own project manager Dave Maza, have been working around the clock to ensure that this summer we secure all the necessary construction permits from the City of Tempe so as to commence construction. Once this happens, we hope to begin construction in the fall. Dave Maza is willing to present, in a Q&A setting, a progress report at some point in the future, for those of you who may wish to know more about the details of the project. I will determine that when the time is right.
However, till then, I continue to ask for your prayers for the success of this most important project because from my past experiences with such projects related to the Eucharist, believe me, the evil one is never happy. Therefore, he will try to put as many obstacles in our way as possible. He has already attempted to do so with the process, but I assure you he will fail if we remain relentless in our prayers and support. I have no doubt that you will definitely continue with your prayerful as well as financial support. For those who have not yet completed your pledges, I encourage you to consider doing so in order that we are not held back due to shortage of funds.
Before the adoration chapel is even completed however, I want us to continue building a culture of adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. To help us in this, we shall begin increasing adoration opportunities here in our parish regularly. I will encourage you to take advantage of this so that when we finally get our adoration chapel built, we will already have a steady number of adorers perpetually. It is a known fact that a parish that has perpetual adoration grows stronger and holier. We shall also invite some great speakers to inspire us about the Eucharist in the coming months. Let us all respond to calls to attend those talks so that we can increase our knowledge and devotion to Christ truly present in the Eucharist, body, spirit, soul and divinity.
My dear Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, as I pointed out in my last article, my job as I see it, is to help lead you to heaven through greater focus on the Eucharist and devotion to Mother Mary. Together, we shall achieve this. I love you!