Parish Census

Beginning March 9, 2024, Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be conducting a Parish Census.


Why should you officially register at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church?

There are many reasons!

  • A sense of belonging and identity in the parish community.
  • A commitment to practice your faith.
  • Help the parish Pastor and staff get to know you better, welcome you, & minister to you.
  • A chance for you and your family to be counted and heard at the parish.
  • Registration is necessary for all Christian formation programs, marriage preparation, and registering at Catholic schools in the diocese.
  • Be eligible for Godparent/Confirmation Sponsor validation.

A registered parishioner is helpful because...

  • Being included in the parish's demographics helps in planning for the parish's needs.
  • Census numbers may determine how many priests are assigned to a parish and how many Masses and enrichment programs are planned and scheduled.
  • Registration helps you stay connected with your parish and helps your parish stay connected with you.
  • Providing your contact information is important so that parishes can provide you with timely updates via email, direct mail, phone, etc.
  • If you use offertory envelopes or online giving, you will receive a year-end statement of your donations for income tax purposes.

A special note...

  • Children are considered members with their parents until they turn 21. At age 21, they are responsible for joining the church family, participating in the Mass, and registering as members independent of their parents.