Pastor's Page

Here you can read more about Fr. Charlie Goraieb, read his Homilies and teaching notes and find resources recommended by him.

Welcome & Testimony

Fr Charlie

Thank you for visiting this page of our parish website. I hope that it will serve a variety of purposes. While it is still a work in progress, on it you will find either the notes or video recordings of recent homilies, recommended books and electronic articles, occasional reflections on various topics and a few of the many photographs I have taken when this was a passionate hobby. You will also find part I of the story of my reversion to the Church and ultimately to the priesthood (I am currently working on my memoirs of 30 years of priestly ministry).

I am very interested in your comments and reflections. While there isn’t a comment section, you can always reach me at

May our Lord bless you and your loved ones. Please pray for me that I might be able to serve you and the Lord as He wills.

Fr Charlie Goraieb


Homilies & Teaching Notes

Recommended Resources

Fr. Charlie's Photo Galleries

Click on the photos below to open similar galleries.